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Discounted Combos

Save from 5% to 15% on the retail price of the individual products when purchased as one of our great value Combos. Combos are already discounted so there's no need for discount codes. Most DVDs included in these combos come with a code to stream them for free online, saving your viewing progress for another time.
Dress Kit Combo

Dress Kit Combo

A great combination to get started on the Dress Kit with a 10% discount applied.

£ 149.50
(-10.00%) £ 134.55
Pants Kit Combo

Pants Kit Combo

A great combination to get started on the Pants Kit with a 10% discount applied.

£ 139.50
(-10.00%) £ 125.55
Shirt Kit Combo

Shirt Kit Combo

 A great combination to get started on the Shirt Kit with a 10% discount applied.

£ 135.20
(-10.00%) £ 121.68
Men's Pants Combo

Men’s Pants Combo

A great combination for making men’s trousers with a 10% discount applied.

£ 125.20
(-10.00%) £ 112.68
Men's Outfit Combo

Men’s Outfit Combo

A great combination for making men’s trousers, shirts & tops with a 15% discount applied.

£ 175.50
(-15.00%) £ 149.18